The milk has the right temperature, the vinegar has just been added, and now the milk curdles.

This is how the curds look.

The whey is dripping...

... and now the rest of the whey is being pressed out so the cheese doesn't crumble when cooked.
And here, manchego and feta are drying:

And the improvised cheese cave:

And now to the book that will no doubt be appreciated by cheese lovers as well as lovers of prose:
Anyone who gets sucked in so utterly and completely to abandon momentarily the watching of Sense and Senbility in favour of cheese is in my eyes made of win:
But when we tasted the Stilton, our conversation about the cheese, the costumes, the adaptability of the novel in general and Austen in particular stopped. Awe enveloped us. Speech abandoned us. We were Stiltoned.
And this is only the beginning. About Paris, Eric LeMay says:
We courted Eros, and if you've ever caught the seminal whiff of a Saint-Marcellin or relished the cunnilingual mush of a Rocamadour, you know that cheese celebrates Eros in all its meanings.
And it's not just waxing rhapsodic about cheese most skilfully that really caught my attention; he unfolds his knowledge about cheese bit by bit, visits dairies all over in his strive to find yet another tasty cheese while popping interesting tidbits of information in a most casual manner. This book is a must-read for any lover of cheese and language.
1 comment:
the seminal whiff of a Saint-Marcellin or relished the cunnilingual mush of a Rocamadour
*frowns, wonders whether the translator or editor has made a mistake* I'd switch the qualifications. For me, the tiny, flat puck of a Rocamadour is a single-serving, short, sharp pleasure, and the bigger, ultra-creamy Saint Marcelin is much more comparable to the multiple peaks of good cunilingus.
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